Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Brooklyn was the cutest puppy ever tonight! PUPPY, not cow! About 75% of our neighbors thought that she was wearing a cow costume. One crazy lady thought she was a real dog. (Ummmmm. Okay.) I got her all dressed up and tied pink ribbons on the ears of her costume so that everyone would know she was a girl. We sat outside of our house and handed out candy to all the little ghouls, goblins, and Hannah Montanas. We all had fun. Brooklyn loves anything where she can people-watch! She is worn out from all of the excitement now and is sleeping on my chest. I think I'm going to take a nap with her in a few. Happy Halloween from both of us!


Unknown said...

She's the most adorable little puppy I've ever seen! Happy Halloween :)

Tara @

AwkwardMoments said...

look at her!! I want to squeeze her

Beth said...

Your adorable puppy has to meet our little doggy! She looks so cute... sounds like you had fun tonight! :)

By the way, how is Brooklyn feeling these days?

MrsSpock said...

Um, since when does a cow have "Woof" on its chest? Sigh. Cute puppy!

Carrie27 said...


Cibele said...

Look at her... OMG, so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the barefoot

Liz said...

Cute, cute cute!!!

edie & ella said...

The WOOF on her collar didn't give it away?????? She is quite adorable....such a happy girl....sam

Unknown said...

Aw, that is way too cute!!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

That is TOO darling~!


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