Dear Baby Bear,
Can you believe it has been 7 months since you made your grand appearance? Sometimes I wonder what I used to do all day before I had you to fill my hours. It's hard to remember what life was really like before you. I know it wasn't even close to this good.
You have more and more personality every day! You grin and laugh so much when your daddy and I talk and play with you. You are happy to see me when I come home from work, which just absolutely makes my day. You have started reaching for me sometimes and when I hold you, sometimes you grab on to both my shoulders and try to wrap yourself around me in a big baby hug. These things let me know that you love me too. And that is a completely amazing feeling. Not only do I love you more than my heart can hold, but you love me in return? Incredible. Being your mommy is so much better than I ever could have imagined it would be.
You sat up by yourself for the first time on Sunday. You love to stand up (with help, of course), and you even try to take little steps sometimes. You have started eating "solid food" from a spoon (cereal and applesauce so far) and you love it! I adore seeing you look so proud of yourself for doing something new. I think you know when you are doing "big girl" things that you have watched your daddy and I do, and you are so excited to be doing those things yourself!
Right now, you love bathtime, laughing at your puppies, your paci, sitting in your little chair, going for walks, riding in your sling, your butterfly mobile, your Gloworm, chewing on your hands (and anything else you can get a hold of!), snuggling and being held (you don't ever want me to put you down!), taking naps on my chest, teethers, "talking" in your sweet little voice, and people-watching. You are such a charmer...anytime people come up to us to say how cute you are, you grin and "talk" to them. And of course, then they just fall all over themselves because then you are a hundred times cuter!
You are still my "Tiny One." I am proud of you for hitting 13 pounds even last week! You are starting to outgrow size Newborn (you've been wearing those clothes for the past 5 months) and you are wearing 0-3 month clothes. Most of the 0-3 month outfits fit you properly now! You are growing on your own curve. That's okay, as long as you grow!
Can I tell you what one of my very favorite things about you is? When you get to laughing about something, you scream at the beginning of every belly laugh. It's as if you have so much joy in your little body that you just can't contain it. I love that about you. So cute and so hilarious. You get to laughing so hard until you are red in the face sometimes.
My other favorite thing right now is our cuddle time. You love being held close and snuggling. Which is great, because I love it too. I'm so happy I have a snuggly baby. When you are sleepy, you lay against my shoulder and run your fingers through my hair, touch my face, and coo to me. It's so sweet that I nearly cried just thinking about it. I love our time together so much. Promise me you won't outgrow snuggle time anytime soon, okay?
You are the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thought on my mind when I lay my head down and fall asleep at night. You are incredible, amazing, perfect, and the sweetest little girl in the world.
I love you, Baby Bear!
Sitting up- wow! I love that little pink outfit...
sniff, sniff
I love the Teenie Weenie Puppies line!!
Happy 7 months Brooklyn!!
So sweet...it's amazing how someone you've known for 7 short months can hold your entire heart and then some...Happy 7 months Brooklyn...keep smiling!
I think all of us mom's that do these monthly birthday posts will cherish these memories forever...such a cool idea to capture and remember these months that seem to fly by!
Happy 7 months, Brooklyn! You are such a gorgeous and happy little girl and you make your mama sooooo happy! Maybe one day you can meet Adam for a playdate! :)
Happy 7 month birthday little Brooklyn......
That is a great picture...sam
Hey Amanda.....a blog I read has a link to the GapKids casting call......she entered her twin sons in it and I entered Edie and Ella last night...I thought this picture you have of Brooklyn up right now would be perfect.....it's so adorable. If you are interested go to my blogroll to the right of my page and visit "the shooting allens" to get the link..I am not sure how to link here. You get some cool prizes.....a trip to San Fran and her picture up all over the country on gap stores....how cool would that be????sam
Love the hat!!
Beautiful!! And wow--she's sitting alone! Way to go, baby girl!!
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