Brooklyn's 6 month pics were just posted online. She is 7 months old today!!! More on that and today's pre-op appointment to come...
Blogger did something weird with the pic layout again. I need someone to tell me how to post pics the right way!!! Y'all all seem to know how to line them up so nicely and even type in between them! I just can't figure that out!
Gosh Brooklyn is adorable beyond measure. Neither can I work out layouts so I do them individually (one per line)or use mosaics maker (then you can get two or more side by side)
When in the uploading window, select "align left" for each picture. Then they will all line up nicely. Or, select "align middle (or center I can't remember which it says)" and they will all be centered for you. When they are all uploaded, add your writing in between. It should work. If you have questions, I'm usually around.
I'm a mommy to Brooklyn, age 3, who is growing up faster than I ever could have believed. She is my sassy little fairy princess diva, and keeps me on my toes every single day. I blog here about learning about motherhood, as well as anything else in my life that I might feel like rambling, ranting, or raving about. Feel free to join me for the wild ride.
I want to snuggle her she is so cute! That middle photo in the collage is precious.
awwwwwwwwww... what a sweet angel!!! Love the pics......sam
what a gorgeous little angel!!! her smile lights up the computer monitor! ;)
Those pics are adorable! Too many cute ones to choose from, I'm sure!
OMG< she looks so cuteeeeeeeeeeee, I loves .her outfits
What a little sweet pea!
How sweet!!!!
Gosh Brooklyn is adorable beyond measure.
Neither can I work out layouts so I do them individually (one per line)or use mosaics maker (then you can get two or more side by side)
great photos of a beautiful kiddo.
Darling pictures!!! What a doll!
When in the uploading window, select "align left" for each picture. Then they will all line up nicely. Or, select "align middle (or center I can't remember which it says)" and they will all be centered for you. When they are all uploaded, add your writing in between. It should work. If you have questions, I'm usually around.
PS She is super cute!!
Amanda I have an award for you at my blog.
How did the pre op appointment go ?
thinking of you
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