Friday, September 26, 2008

I bid you farewell, nebulizer!

As of this week, we no longer have to give Brooklyn nebulizer treatments! Thank God!!! She hated them and therefore we hated them too. It was time for a refill, so we asked Dr. A if she could stop the treatments since they haven't made any difference for her. He consulted Dr. G2, and Dr. G2 said yes since they aren't helping her. I couldn't pack that thing back up in its box fast enough. Yay! Good riddance! No more of this:


Jennifer W said...

YAAAAAAAAAAY! Give that stupid thing a good kick in the pants! She is just too cute!!!

Hope said...

Oh, I envy you! I hate the nebulizer too. At the rate Ava's growing, thanks to steroids, She'll outgrow that outfit by the time Brooklyn would need it. Really, she's 18 pounds right now, her pulmonologist is worried about the steroid (and thickeners) weight Ava's getting. Yikes! Consider it yours in a month or so. Ava will happily give it to Brooklyn. They are malacia buddies! Brooklyn is so adorable! I just want to pick her up and hug her!

Liz said...

Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe one day we can lose Sarah's too! (although of course, hers is just for asthma, so we don't have to use it nearly as often!)

Carrie27 said...

What a relief!

edie & ella said...

Happy Graduation Brooklyn.....go lungs.....sam

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