Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today is my birthday. I am 27 years old.

What a year in my life this has been. It's incredible how much has changed for me in the past 365 days. This time last year, my tummy was just barely beginnging to grow. If you didn't know me, you never would have guessed that I was pregnant then. My belly held the most wonderful secret in the world, a tiny, perfect little person who then measured one centimeter long.

Now, one short trip around the sun later, I'm a mommy. Mommy to a gorgeous little girl with big blue eyes, silky-fine blonde hair, and the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. A sweet, snuggly, smart, hilarious, courageous baby girl named Brooklyn Lillyann. And she will be 6 months old tomorrow! Time is moving too quickly for me. I want to pause the world around me and just soak in how wonderful my precious daughter is. How blessed I feel. How in love with her I am.

A year ago, if someone had tried to explain to me the magnitude of changes that would take place in my life once I became a mother, there's no way I could have wrapped my head around it. It has knocked my off my feet and taken my breath away, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. The stress and fear and depression and sleepless nights...they're all worth it. It sounds contrite, but it's true. I can't even imagine my life without Brooklyn. How did I ever get so lucky?

Wow. What a difference a year makes. My heart feels like it has grown a million times bigger to try to hold the love I have for Brooklyn, and it still isn't enough. But my heart can't be too big, because Brooklyn holds it in her tiny little hand.

Cheers to this year. Cheers to changes. Cheers to hoping for another year full of wonderful changes.


edie & ella said...

Happy Birthday!!! Time does fly...I know how you feel my babies will be 6 months old on Saturday!!! How fun.

Kate said...

Happy Birthday!!!! You won a prize - go and visit my blog. :)

Sam said...

Happy Birthday young one!!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day. It looks like you have received the best possible gift this year... Brooklyn! Yay! :)

Jennifer W said...

Happy (late) birthday :) I imagine it was a good one with that sweet, sweet baby around.

Hope said...

Happt Birthday! (I know I'm a day late).

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to you! It's amazing what a little girl can do to your heart...

Cibele said...

Happy birthday my friend!!!!!!!! May this coming year bring you lots of joy!!!!!!! HUGS

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