Sunday, August 10, 2008

5 months old!

Happy 5 months, my sweet little Baby Bear! You are growing up so fast. You are learning to do new amazing things all of the time. You are rolling over, doing your "sit ups," playing with your toys, grabbing your little feet, and sucking your thumb. You can laugh for a long time just like a grown up! It is such a beautiful sound to go with your lovely smile. You like to talk to us a lot, we just aren't sure what you're telling us yet!

You melt my heart by smiling at me, cooing to me, and reaching out to stroke my face and hair when I'm holding you. Brooklyn, I want to take every sweet moment with you and lock it into my memory because you are more wonderful than I ever could have imagined. I always want to remember every detail about you as a baby.

You have been through a lot this month, little baby. I know it has been hard, and I am so sorry that you've had to experience it. But you never cease to amaze me with your bravery and resilience. Remember at the hospital when I told you how strong you are, that I would be so scared if the doctors were doing all of those things to me? It's true, my baby. You are incredible, and I don't know how God packed so much strength and beauty into your tiny body. Hang in there sweetie, these doctors are working hard to figure out what's wrong and how to get you all better. I can't wait for you to be healthy and able to grow big.

I love you more than life itself. I have more love for you than my heart could ever hold. I love you, I love you, I love you.


edie & ella said...

so sweet.....she sure looks like a cutey patooty......sam

Sam said...

I want to pinch her cheeks!

Jen said...

She is SO precious! And I love the photos from the previous post; beautiful girl! I'm still praying for her to get better and wisdom for the doctors and paid time off work for you. Hang in there!
Love, Maren

Sarah said...

Oh, what a sweet post!! I am with you on wanting to capture and remember every single moment with Claire...they grow up so fast!! And oh my...those pictures of Brooklyn from your previous post...absolutely beautiful!!! Glad she is feeling better too!

Cibele said...

happy 5 months sweet girl... you are so cute

Carrie27 said...

She's absolutely adorable!

Ms. Smoochy said...

Those eyes! She is truly beautiful!

Jennifer W said...

I'm so glad you found me! Brooklyn is beautiful, aren't little girls wonderful! I'm so sorry to read about the stresses you all are going through, NO FUN! Poor little thing. I'll keep her in my prayers that she gets better and stays better soon. Glad to have another blog to read!!

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