Thursday, July 31, 2008

My poor little girl

Brooklyn is in the hospital. She was admitted this morning. She is dehydrated and running a high fever and can't keep anything down. The pediatrician thinks it is a bad virus but is running tests to see. Since she weighs 10 pounds and 11 ounces and has had feeding problems anyway, we can't afford to have her losing weight. We will be here at least 2 or 3 days. My poor baby has an IV in her head :*( She has been poked and prodded on so much in the past couple of days. She is just so miserable and not acting like herself. I will blog more later, but I just wanted to let y'all know. Keep her in your prayers, please....


edie & ella said...

oh no. Bless her little heart -- and mommys too. I will keep her in my thoughts and make sure to update us often. Take care. Hugs to little B. SAM

Jen said...

I'll pray fervently for a quick recovery and no weight loss for Brooklyn. Hang in there!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Amanda thinking of you and keeping Brooklyn in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope she is well again soon.

Heather said...

Oh NO!! Poor Brooklyn!! Hang in there!! I will be sending good vibes your way!!!

Sarah said...

Oh poor baby!!! Claire and I will pray for you tonight...hang in there Mommy!


Hope said...

You both are in my T&P! ((HUGS))

Sam said...

Sending hugs and well-wishes your way.

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