Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4 months, Baby Bear!

Yep, my baby girl is 4 months old today! She is growing up so fast. I can't believe how quickly time is moving for us. It makes me a little bit afraid that I am not going to remember everything about her time as a baby. I want to memorize every little detail about everything because I know that in no time, she will be a little girl and no longer a baby. She already has a little personality of her own!

Brooklyn can laugh now! She started doing it about a week or so ago. I have only made her do it once or twice. She thinks Daddy is hilarious, though. He makes her laugh a lot. It is the cutest little noise. I love seeing her just melts my heart in an her laugh is all the more wonderful.

Speaking of her smiles, she has this new thing she does where she looks up at me and grins really big while she is nursing. Sometimes she coos a little bit while grinning. I absolutely love it. It's so she's saying, "Thanks for the yummy milk, mommy!"

She is growing too...I am pretty confident that she will show some good weight gain at her doctor's appointment next week. I can tell that her little legs are getting chubbier and she is getting more of a tummy.

Brooklyn, thank you for coming into my life 4 short months ago and making me your mommy. You are the most amazing, beautiful, smart, sweet and brave little person I have ever known. I could never do anything good enough to deserve you. It's impossible to believe that I had anything to do with the creation of a being as wonderful as you are. I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I realize now how empty it was before you came along. You have made my heart grow as you have taught me about love in its purest, most beautiful form. I love you more than I could possibly ever explain. Forever and ever and ever.


edie & ella said...

How sweet!!! She is so so darn cute. I love it when they grin so big and their little bare gums are showing........ heart warming.

Unknown said...

That was so sweet... made me tear up. Happy 4 months, Brooklyn!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Brooklyn is the yummiest and sweetest baby girl on the blogK.
What a precious letter and wow of a 4 months.

Sarah said...

Happy 4 month birthday Brooklyn! I can see some chubs on those thighs!! Amazing how we love them on babies, and spend our whole adult lives trying to get rid of them! Happy Friday!

Aunt Becky said...

You can't tell me she's 4 months already! She was JUST born!

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