Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nice to meet you.

So, where to start?

I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Amanda. I'm 26. I've been married to my best friend, David, for 3 years. We both work in law enforcement...he's a sheriff's deputy and I'm a probation officer. I have a bachelor's degree in social work with a minor in criminal justice.

My favorite things are all kinds of music, black and white photography, puppies, soft blankets, Friends reruns, broken-in blue jeans, cuddling, taking long walks and talking under the stars, Mexican food, reading and writing, my iPod, long naps, my flip flops made out of yoga mat material, and vanilla Coke.

On March 10, 2008, David and I had our first baby, a beautiful, tiny little girl we named Brooklyn Lillyann. She was 5 pounds, 14 ounces and 18.5 inches long. She has dark blue eyes and a full head of soft, fuzzy dark blonde hair, exactly the color of mine.

Brooklyn is 9 weeks old now. She can smile and respond to us when we play with her, which is amazing. She loves to snuggle, as do I. She has finally grown out of her preemie clothes and can wear newborn size now! To say she is the most amazing and incredible part of my life would be an understatement. I kiss her about a million and one times a day. I love her so much.

I am so thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life. This really is everything I've ever wanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


WOW! Your daughter was a little more than half of my sons birth weight. I can't imagine something so tiny. Delighted to hear she is in newborn clothes.

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