Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little miracles in all shapes and sizes

The funny thing about this picture is that one-year-old Brooklyn is wearing a onesie that I picked out as a possible coming-home-from-the-hospital newborn outfit. It has little baby handprints on it and says "little miracle...tiny little hands." There is a hat with the same little graphic on it too. Anyway, I was shopping one day while big and pregnant and found this little outfit. I thought it was so cute...I love anything with baby handprints or footprints. I held the onesie over my belly and thought about how I couldn't wait to meet my little girl.

I thought that I was so organized and well-prepared; Brooklyn's closet and dresser drawers were filled with adorable weather-appropriate clothes for each season - springtime 0-3 month outfits, summery 3-6, fall time 6-9, warm wintery 9-12 month clothes. I added the freshly-washed "little miracle" onesie to the neatly folded stacks of clothes in her top dresser drawer.

All babies come out wearing size 0-3 months, right??? I mean, they ARE 0 months old! Come on, it makes perfect sense! The clothes tell you right there on the label how big your baby will be at each age! How smart of them!
I did not realize at that time that babies came in all sizes!

Silly me. I learned that you can't be prepared for everything! My baby girl came home from the hospital with practically nothing to wear! I had one package of Newborn size kimono-style shirts that she wore until we went shopping for Preemie clothes when she was 4 days old. She wore Preemie clothes for 2 months, then size Newborn for another 3 1/2 months. The nice part of this was I got to buy lots more baby clothes because she needed a wardrobe that would actually fit her!

Another cool thing is that not all of her clothes have ended up being the wrong season, as evidenced by my one year old wearing the 0-3 month onesie in the picture up there. It is getting warm outside and Brooklyn can now wear most of her summery 3-6 month outfits. Same season, just a year later than I thought we would use them. :)

(Oh, and by the way, a friend later talked me into choosing a more "formal" coming-home outfit for Brooklyn, a beautiful pink flowered little dress, size Newborn. Which was actually a good thing, since the above outfit obviously would have completely swallowed my brand-new Tiny One.)


Cibele said...

such a sweet post... she is perfect, gorgeous, smart , sweet, adorable, brave... your miracle.

Sarah said...

I love your new background!!! So funny you posted this...about 2 weeks ago Claire wore the t-shirt that the hospital gives you when you go home with your newborn...she was 10 months old wearing the damn thing.

Brooklyn is beautiful as ever, even in her 0-3 month onesie!! Love seeing pictures of her...she is getting sooooo big!

MrsSpock said...

I had tried planning too- my mother and I hit all the clearance sales and mothers of twins sales to buy a great wardrobe for J, even to age 2. And now he is wearing 18 month sizes at 10 months because of his height. I've had to buy a lot of new clothes this year. Next time, I'll just get a little bit at a time. Lesson learned.mingra

Liz said...

I love it!! What a sweetie!

And I love the new layout!

Beth said...

She looks so gorgeous & happy!

I'm totally with you on the sizes. Adam will be 2(!!!) on Saturday and can still fit in some "18 month" pants! The good thing is that his clothes last FOREVER... none of that "only wear it once or twice & it's too small" nonsense with him! :)

Beth said...

Oh, by the way, love the new layout! So pretty & cheerful! How can I change mine?

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