Dear Baby Bear,
You are nine months old today! I can't believe it. You been living outside of my belly the same number of months you lived inside of me. You are growing up so fast. You change and learn new things every single day. You get sweeter, cuter, and smarter each passing day.
You can sit up on your own like a champ now. You've got that whole balance thing down! You love to sit in your room and listen to music and play with your toys. You are liking your exersaucer, swing, and Bebe pod seat less and less because you are happier when you can sit up by yourself! You bounce up and down and squeal when you are excited, and it is just the cutest thing. You're so smart and have been figuring out how to work your toys. You aren't crawling yet, but you are getting close! You can turn over on your tummy and push up, you just can't quite move yet. You're so ready to be mobile and sometimes you get so frustrated that you can't do it yet. It's all right, baby, I don't mind carrying you where you need to go. Don't be in such a hurry, it will happen for you very soon. I love that you are my sweet little Snugglebug...that you will only take naps when I am holding you, that you love to be close to me. I love to hold you and be close to you too. It is so wonderful.
You are learning about all of the different noises you can make with your little voice. You babble, giggle, shriek, blow raspberries, and hum. You mostly speak a language we cannot understand, but the one word that you have spoken in our language is "Mama." It melts my heart every time you say it. You gave me such a special gift by making that your first word.
When we go out shopping or anywhere around town, you attract so much attention! You are so beautiful that people stop to comment on what a pretty girl you are. Then you give them your big gummy grin and coo at them. You are quite the little social butterfly. You like going to stores and restaurants because you can people-watch. That seems to be one of your favorite things to do! Last week at the doctor's office, you flirted with a little boy until he came to play with you. Then you two played a game that consisted of screaming at each other and laughing. It was so funny to see you interacting with another child that way.
You love eating solid foods! You have eaten cereal, pears, peaches, applesauce, sweet potatoes, carrots, and prunes. You love them all and you always finish your little container of food. You look so proud sitting in your little baby chair when you are eating. I can tell it makes you feel like a big girl. :) You are doing a great job with your weight gain too...you are over 14 pounds and are in the 3rd growth percentile now. Keep it up, Baby Bear!
Brooklyn, you are growing up so fast. We are about to celebrate your first Christmas, and I can't wait to experience it with you. Your first birthday will be here before we know it. It's all going so quickly. I love you so much. You are the most amazing little girl. Your big smile always makes my day, and watching you learn and grow gives me a purpose in life. I love being your mommy. I won't need anything this Christmas because I have already been given the greatest gift I could ever ask for, and that gift is you. Wonderful, beautiful, hilarious, sweet little you.
That photo of her is so precious!!
She is so cute! I love the photo and the outfit!
happy 9 months baby girl. She is so gorgeous. What a picture!!
PS - you may or may not have won the Nobel Prize.
You have a beautiful baby. She is a blessing, and I know you know that. It's so amazing how strong our baby girls are and how far they have come! Avani is doing much better since her second surgery, and having her with me for the holidays is everything I wanted. May God bless Brooklyn and keep her healthy. He is the only one who knows how much we desperately want that.
awwwwww!!! Precious! Love the picture!
That is the cutest picture EVER.
Happy birthday beautiful girl!! Great photo!
She's absolutely beautiful! Happy 9 months, sweetie!
She is so cute and precious - I love her picture and happy smile.
God bless you and I wish you all a merry KISSmis and a Huggy new year too.
That picture is AWESOME...she is so damn cute!!! I love love love that headband...sweet. Aren't they growing so fast??? SAM
Can't tell you enough, she is stinkin cute!
I'm jealous that your daugther said mama first. Addyson just started saying it this past month (19 months) --- all about daddy. (grumble)
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