Brooklyn is doing really good at sitting up, but she doesn't have it completely perfected! Here she is hamming it up for the camera tonight...until she gets too excited and loses her balance. Tee hee. She is the most adorable tiny little person I've ever seen :)
Oh, she was 13 pounds, 12 ounces at her weight check on Wednesday! That's A WHOLE POUND gained in less than a month!!! Go Baby Bear!!! Our lactation consultant said, "Wow! This is great! Look how close she's getting to hitting that 3rd percentile line!" sometimes we celebrate things that other people might not think about. But that's okay! Brooklyn is making her own growth curve and doing things her own way.
she is seriously too cute! good thing she has the couch to fall back on! great news on the weight gain, too!!! :)
good job Brooklyn.....a WHOLE pound.....that's amazing!!!
super cute the sitting up and the tights........sam
Amanda, she is so sweet. She's really a beautiful baby and she looks great. I didn't hear much of a stridor either, so that's awesome! WTG Brooklyn for gaining a pound!!
Almost 14 pounds- go Brooklyn!
good job baby girl!!!!!! wew are all so proud of you
Sweet! She'll be a fat baby in no time! I'll make "I'm a fat baby and PROUD of it" onesies for both of them!
Adorable! I love when they hit their "talking" stage.
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