Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You CANNOT be serious.

What the hell is wrong with my husband? Sometimes I wonder if the irresponsible, inconsiderate person I now share a house and a child with is the same person I married.

Yesterday, he was off work. His mom came over to watch Brooklyn because she doesn’t get to see her very often. Dave told me that he was going to take advantage of the free time he would have and actually get some things done...mow the yard, take one of our dogs to get her shots, get Brooklyn’s prescriptions refilled.

I tried to call him a couple of times during the afternoon and he didn’t answer. He called me back around 4:30 and said that he was with his little brother and best friend and that they were on their way to my office. A few minutes later, they walked in. Dave says to his best friend, "Okay, Joe, show her the pictures." Joe comes over with his cell phone and starts showing me a series of pictures of someone getting a huge tattoo on their entire upper arm. I quickly notice that the person in the picture is wearing the same shirt as my husband. I look over at Dave and see that his sleeve is all bloody. He gives me a big goofy grin. He pulls his sleeve up to show me his new gigantic tattoo. "It’s AWESOME, isn’t it?!"

You have GOT to be kidding me. First of all....he doesn’t even bother telling me that he’s going to do this. I apparently don’t need to know, but his friend and brother and mom do. (His reasoning there: "I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to be able to show you and say, ‘Look what I did!’" SERIOUSLY??? Did you think I was going to jump up and down with excitement???)He has had no tattoos. Neither do I. We were planning on going together to get matching ones of Brooklyn’s newborn footprints after I am done breastfeeding her. Secondly, this thing was expensive. I can think of about 1,000 things we need to pay for more than that. Like, uh, medical bills, a several things that need to be done on our cars, pay off our home phone that was cut off (how white trash is that???), Christmas presents, tons of bills, formula, medicines. I could go on and on. And I would not say this to him because it’s hitting below the belt...but I am not the one who was demoted and got a $9,000.00 pay cut. I won’t say it, but I’m certainly thinking it. How freakin’ irresponsible and selfish. Oh, and by the way, why are you coming to my professional workplace looking like a hobo with bloody clothes???? Embarrassing and GROSS! Again....what the hell is wrong with you???

I don’t care that he got a tattoo. That’s not the issue. I wish he felt like he needed to include me in his plans. I can’t understand how he can justify spending our money this way when we clearly have so many other places it needs to go. I wish he would have thought of someone besides himself. I am PISSED. And he doesn’t care. He thinks it's pretty much the coolest thing he's ever done.

Oh...so he was at the tattoo parlor for four and a half hours. Do you think he got anything else accomplished during the nine hours his mom was taking care of Brooklyn? You know, those things that actually needed to get done? Nope, he didn't do a thing. Nice.


MrsSpock said...

Bad husband! No cookie for you!

Liz said...

Oh gosh. I would've been ticked off too. Sometimes you have to wonder what goes through their minds. I mean, seriously...where was your brain? No wait...do you have one at all?

I'm sorry babe.

...does it matter that I'm wondering what the tattoo is a picture of? I mean, could he make it better by having a giant tattoo of your name on his arm?

annacyclopedia said...

Oh, damn. I would be spewing some serious wrath, too. That is a seriously big misstep on his part. Hope is he appropriately sorry and does everything right from here on out to make up for it. Hang in there.

Kate said...

I would be sooooo pissed!

edie & ella said...

Men can be so selfish and stupid.....I would be throwing things pissed about that.....especially since you need the money for other waaaaaaaaaay more important things........sam

Jennifer W said...

Seriously. The only excuse they can have is that maybe men's brains are slower, smaller and stupider than women's. That's all I can come up with since my husband continues to be a gigantic stupid ass on a daily basis.

Cibele said...

not right.I feel for you, after lyla was born my husband has turned into somebody that I don't know anymore. Hugs

Carrie27 said...

I can definitely understand your frustration. Money is tight for most these days, and luxury items are just that, luxury.

Ok, so now go up to him slap him nice and hard on the tattoo...and say ooops, sorry I forgot that was there. LOL!

Sarah said...

Men...if they didn't give us our beautiful babies, some days I'd kick them to the curb! BTW..what IS the tattoo of!?!?!?

Erin said...

That totally sucks I would be so mad too. Men are stupid!

Heather said...

OMG... are you married to my husband because that is SOO something he would have done. And I SOOO would have been pissed!!

Unknown said...

Gosh, that's crazy. I'd be livid too. I don't blame you. Sometimes you wonder what the heck they think with.

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